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Mini Monstars (Music) is a music based programs for children aged 0-6. Our Music program incorporates fun decision-making games, playing instruments, singing, dancing and musical based games that allow the children to use imagination and creativity.

Learn, Laugh and Smile whilst participating in:



     - Social Conventions
     - Body Percussion
     - Finger Play
     - Memory Songs
     - Rhythm Instruments
     - Melody and Harmony Instruments 
     - Drama and Movement
     - Games and Dances
     - Music Appreciation
     - Story Songs


These programs can run accordingly with what the Child Care/KindergartenMini Monstars (Music) is like no other program you’ve experience. Our basic set up of every session separates us from other kindergarten programs. The children will get to use and develop skills on the following Instruments:















Mini Monstars believes there needs to be more emphasis on the children’s musical development.Research has shown that focusing on the children’s musical development can also have benefits in their emotional and academic development as well.Participation in group activities enables children to develop greater levels of confidence and encourages greater effort in all areas of the kindergarten and school curriculum.Children who possess fundamental musical skills enjoy better rhythm, coordination, group interaction, greater body awareness, stronger intellectual skills, and a more positive self-image.​Mini Monstars (Music) aims to assist the current education system by increasing children’s self-esteem, health, physical development and the willingness to interact with others and make new friends while singing, dancing and having a fantastic time.


As children become adept at recognizing and adjusting to the tempo changes inherent in different activities, they not only refine their coordination and focus but also develop a deeper understanding of motor skills. This adaptability to tempo variations not only enhances their cardiovascular fitness through the dynamic nature of their movements but also plays a crucial role in preventing overuse injuries by promoting balanced muscle engagement and allowing adequate recovery periods. Moreover, navigating tempo variations encourages creative expression in their movements, fostering a sense of individuality and innovation in their approach to physical activities.


Learning rhythm offers numerous benefits for children beyond just musical proficiency. It enhances their coordination, timing, and motor skills as they synchronize movements to the beat. Understanding rhythm fosters a deeper appreciation for music, aiding in auditory processing and language development. Moreover, rhythmic activities can promote emotional regulation and stress relief, providing children with a creative outlet for self-expression. As they engage in rhythmic exercises, children also develop social skills through collaborative activities like group dancing or drum circles, fostering a sense of community and cooperation. Overall, learning rhythm enriches children's lives by enhancing their physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development in diverse and meaningful ways.


Learning pitch offers children a multitude of benefits that extend beyond musical proficiency. Developing an understanding of pitch enhances their auditory discrimination skills, allowing them to differentiate between different sounds and tones effectively. This heightened sensitivity to pitch fosters language development and can contribute to improved reading and pronunciation skills. Additionally, learning pitch cultivates a deeper appreciation for music and encourages creative expression through singing or playing musical instruments. Moreover, mastering pitch can boost children's confidence and self-esteem as they achieve success in mastering complex musical concepts. Overall, learning pitch equips children with valuable auditory skills that not only enhance their musical abilities but also support their cognitive, linguistic, and emotional development.


Learning beats in music offers children a multitude of cognitive, emotional, and social benefits. Understanding rhythm and beats enhances their auditory processing skills, aiding in language development and improving their ability to recognize patterns and sequences. Moreover, mastering beats fosters a deeper appreciation for music and encourages creativity as children explore different rhythms and experiment with creating their own compositions. Engaging with beats in music also promotes coordination and motor skills as children synchronize their movements with the rhythm. Additionally, collaborating with others in rhythmic activities such as group drumming or ensemble performances promotes teamwork and communication skills, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation. Overall, learning beats in music not only enriches children's musical abilities but also supports their overall cognitive development and social interaction.


Engaging in dance and movement activities provides a myriad of benefits for children's overall development. Firstly, it promotes physical fitness and coordination as they learn various dance techniques and movements. These activities also enhance flexibility, strength, and balance, contributing to their overall health and well-being. Moreover, dance fosters creativity and self-expression, allowing children to explore and communicate their emotions and ideas through movement. Through dance, children develop spatial awareness and body consciousness, which can improve their posture and confidence. Additionally, participating in group dance activities promotes social interaction and teamwork, fostering communication skills and empathy. Overall, learning dance and movement not only provides a fun and engaging way for children to stay active but also nurtures their physical, emotional, and social development.


Understanding time signatures in music provides children with essential skills that extend far beyond the realm of music itself. Mastering time signatures enhances their ability to comprehend and interpret complex rhythmic patterns, fostering a deeper appreciation for music. Additionally, it sharpens their cognitive abilities as they learn to organize and structure musical phrases within specific time frameworks. Moreover, grasping time signatures cultivates discipline and attention to detail, as children must accurately count and follow rhythmic cues while performing. Furthermore, learning time signatures encourages creativity and experimentation, empowering children to explore diverse musical styles and compositions. Ultimately, proficiency in time signatures equips children with valuable skills in critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-expression, enhancing their overall cognitive and emotional development.

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